A Million Little Pieces-Outside reading
When I read the first few pages of A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, I was completely shocked. Not because of the vivid images(that often provide too much gross information) that the author paints in his writing, but because of the bad language that is used.
I have never read a book in my entire life that has the "f bomb" as every other word...I actually think it's kind of funny... I mean this book really has a strong voice, and you feel like the author is speaking just to you; loud and clear, about his lethal bout with drug/alcohol abuse.
Here is one line that illustrates my point...Frey says, "I need to get out of here, Dad. Just get me the f*** out of here"(3).
As you can see, Frey uses the "f bomb" even around his parents in public, at the airport. If James Frey does this in public, you can imagine all of the other graphic language that he would use by himself or in an uncontrollable rage.
But WHY all the swear words and such?:
A) James Frey is a drug addict, so it makes it realistic with his frustration towards everything
B) Swear words may be just a part of Frey's personality and his life (Frey claimes to have lived on the streets for a while, so his rough life and gang-banger lingo from the streets would become a core part of Frey's everyday life)
C)Frey is still on drugs(it will take a while to get detoxified due to all the damage that he's caused to his body)
I'm very interested to see how often the swear words will be used in Frey's writing when Frey sobers up....Is the swearing meant to illustrate Frey on drugs, or is the swearing a part of Frey's sober personality? I will be very interested to see how the writing style changes as Frey evolves as a character throughout the novel... I bet that Frey will use more adult-like language as he gets further along in his recovery.
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